Silicon Valley Code Camp : Nov 8th and 9th, 2008

Doris Chen

About Doris
Dr. Doris Chen, a staff engineer and Java Technology Evangelist at Sun Microsystems with over 10 years industry experience, her expertise includes Web 2.0/Ajax, JavaServer Faces, JavaFX, Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) technologies, web services/SOA, Java ME platform wireless programming, Java technology performance tuning, grid computing, and web-based distributed computing. She speaks at major industry international conferences: JavaOne, Sun Network Conference, SD West Software Development, etc. Doris received her Ph.D. from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) in computer engineering, specializing in medical informatics. Before coming to Sun, Doris developed medical image compression applications and web-based network management products.
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Speaking Sessions

  • Building Rich Web applications using jMaki

    Not Available x   Room: Not Assigned
    Building rich web applications has never been easier. jMaki is a lightweight client-server framework for creating rich Ajax and Web 2.0 applications. It provides an universal interface with the widgets from the various popular toolkits (Dojo, Yahoo, Google, and Scriptaculous, etc), a common data model, and a publish/subscribe mechanism to easily connecting widgets together regardless of the underlying JavaScript™ toolkit. jMaki can also work with multiple technology such as JSP™, JRuby, JavaServer Faces™ and PHP. jMaki is growing into one of the most popular rich web application development toolkits. In this lab, we will use NetBeans™ IDE to rapidly develop rich web application and then we will use Glassfish™ open source application server to deploy the application. You will learn many tactics and best practices on how to use jMaki to build the Ajax mashup applications, how to enable communication between widgets using jMaki event mechanism, how to work with multiple technologies (JSP, JRuby, etc) and multiple toolkits ((Dojo, Yahoo, Google and others), how to access to external RESTful web services, and how to work with database persistence data using JPA. At the end of the lab, you will be able to accomplish a real life rich web application. For session presentation and demo samples, please go to my blog at