Silicon Valley Code Camp : Nov 8th and 9th, 2008

Nikolaus Baer

About Nikolaus
Nikolaus Baer is a research engineer at Zeidman Consulting. He has developed software for marine research, optical testing equipment, military terrain databases, mobile applications, and medical devices. He has written about software trade secret theft and is certified in the use of CodeSuite®. He holds a bachelors degree in computer engineering from UC Santa Barbara, where he attended on a Regents Scholarship. He placed first in the Start Cup 2004 business plan competition. Nik is currently the secretary of the Northern California Scholarship Foundation's Alumni Association, and just finished a term as the membership director of the Belmont Lions Club.
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Speaking Sessions

  • Discovering Software Trade Secret Theft

    Not Available x   Room: Not Assigned
    This session will provide an introduction to the discovery of trade secret theft. The topics will include: description of a trade secret as it applies to software, types of source code correlation, legitimate reasons for correlation, a discussion of analysis applications for locating portions of correlated source code such as CodeSuite® and a step-by-step methodology to determine whether correlations are in fact evidence of trade secret theft. The purpose of the talk is to provide developers with an awareness of software trade secrets, as well as a methodology to test whether their own software is infringing upon or being infringed upon.