Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 3rd and 4th, 2009

bill braasch

About bill
software entrepreneur, drawn to metadata.
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Speaking Sessions

  • a briefing on itemscript: a system for building loosely-coupled declarative applications using JSON

    2:15 PM Sunday   Room: 4301
    <b>Itemscript</b> is a set of standards and tools for building declarative JSON applications and working with JSON data. <br> <br> <b>Itemscript</b> is a JSON schema definition language. <b>Itemscript JAM</b> (JSON application markup) is a declarative provisioning language based on Itemscript. The <b>Item Lens</b> is a Javascript animator for Itemscript JAM, and the <b>Item Store</b> is a simple JSON data store. <br><br> This presentation introduces the Itemscript system and philosophy, the <b>Itemscript JAM</b> language, and the <b>Item Lens</b> animator. <br><br> We'll share what we've learned about collaborative, iterative development using the declarative Itemscript system. <br><br> Itemscript can be adopted to enrich or document existing applications. It can also be used to describe a loosely coupled application model that's dynamic, with hot swappable components. <br><br> We'll demonstrate <b>Item Hash</b>, a rich web application built using the Item Lens (built on GWT) and the Item Store (built on Apache Derby). We'll share what we've learned about iterative development with itemscript. <br><br> Of interest to: Web developers looking for a declarative language for AJAX applications; Java & GWT developers looking for a way to build dynamic applications; developers working with JSON looking for ideas on how to go beyond the capabilities of basic JSON. <br><br> Presentation slides are at