Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 3rd and 4th, 2009

Stephen Dempsey

About Stephen
I'm a consultant with Falafel Software, building apps using .Net and C#. I've architected and built a number of commercial web and Windows apps including CRM, commodity futures, garment supply chain, music sales, personal finance, etc. I've also taught courses in OOP, OOD, OODB, and DB design.
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Speaking Sessions

  • Befriending Lambda Expressions

    1:00 PM Sunday   Room: 4201
    Do you do your LINQ coding by cutting and pasting stuff that works? I did. Are you curious about those “=>” symbols in C#? I was. Are Basic values corrupting C#? Maybe, but its all for the good. This session focuses on Lambda Expressions within a C# context: where they came from, what they are, why you need them, what you can do with them (Queries and Expressions), and how they can become your friend. This session will be mostly interactive demonstration. Don’t keep your distance, familiarize.