Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 8th and 9th, 2011.

Duane Nickull

About Duane
Sr. Technical Evangelist for Adobe Systems. Also chaired the OASIS SOA Reference Model Technical Committee from 2005-2009 and co-author for O'Reilly's "Web 2.0 Architectures". In the past was the lead architect, Vice Chair for the United Nations CEFACT group (global SOA effort) and also worked on many W3C and OASIS Web Services specifications. Coder, athlete, musician, father & architect.
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Speaking Sessions

  • Customer Experience Management for Architects

    1:45 PM Saturday   Room: 4302
    This talk focuses on the aspects of UX across multiple applications within the domain of customer to enterprise interactions. As enterprise IT systems allow multiple channels for customers to interact with an enterprise, the architect's challenge becomes reconciling all the various pockets of data and contexts that allow the enterprise to server the customer. CEM covers all eight key phases including awareness, discovery, attraction, interaction, purchase, use, cultivation and advocacy. This session will not discuss specific products or technologies other than as exemplars. <b>UPDATE: The presentation is now posted.</b> If anyone wants the *.lca code sample I can also send that separately. Link - <a href=""></a>

  • Hands on BlackBerry Playbook, iOS and Android Development

    5:00 PM Saturday   Room: 4306
    Attendees will spend almost the entire duration of this session learning how to build mobile applications in a hands on , practical lab. Using an integrated IDE, each attendee will learn how to set up their development environment (prior to the session) and then how to architect and build an application that takes advantage of multiple features of mobility. Everyone will leave with lots of source code and knowledge including best architectural practices for mobile development. Pre-requisites are some knowledge of XML and scripting syntax but beginners are welcome. Twitter @duanechaos #SVCC12Mobile IMPORTANT PREPARATION! If you are attending this session, please ensure you arrive on time with Adobe Flash Builder 4.5 installed if you wish to code along. A link to the full source code and assets will be distributed after the course containing all the projects and more. Link UPDATE: The entire code camp is now posted online!