Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 8th and 9th, 2011.

Thomas Mueller

About Thomas
Thomas Mueller has been working with databases for almost 15 years. He currently is the Database Administration Manager at HMS, a healthcare consulting company in Santa Ana. Thomas got his BS in Digital Media & Computer Science in 1999 and received his MS in Information Systems from Claremont Graduate University in 2004. In addition to databases, his interests include data warehousing, data mining, knowledge management and LEGO®.
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Speaking Sessions

  • LEGO (R) Mindstorms for kids

    1:45 PM Saturday   Room: 5502
    In this hands-on workshop kids will learn how to program a LEGO robot using a visual programming environment. No programming background is necessary. The workshop will focus on the programming side. The LEGO robots are going to be pre-assembled. <b>Attendees are required to bring a laptop (Mac or Win) on which the development environment (about 250 MB) can be installed.</b> All attendee under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.

  • Utilizing LEGO(R) to brainstorm and solve problems

    2:45 PM Sunday   Room: 5502
    Brainstorming sessions are hard to implement. It is challenging to keep all participants engaged and come up with the most beneficial ideas/solutions. However, there are techniques that might make it easier and more fun. One approach is to utilize LEGO bricks to visualize the problem and its solution. LEGO realized the potential and founded a program called LEGO SERIOUS PLAY. If you are interested please swing by for this hands-on session.