Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 6th and 7th, 2012

Adam Anderson

About Adam
I'm a Microsoft Certified Solution Developer with over 16 years of experience, specializing in data access and transformation. Likes: writing fast and expressive queries in SQL and LINQ, refactoring, functional programming, regular expressions, and automating repetitive tasks with shell scripts. Dislikes: Smelly code and badly designed databases.
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Speaking Sessions

  • Improving the Performance of TPT Mapping in EF

    9:45 AM Saturday   Room: 4305
    I'll present a case study of my experiences using TPT mapping in EF. I'll cover TPT vs TPH mapping, take a look at the SQL that EF generates when you select entities with TPT mapping, discuss performance problems, explore several possible solutions, and go into detail about how to customize the loading of entities with TPT mapping by using handcrafted SQL. Familiarity with Entity Framework, SQL, C# and LINQ are recommended.