Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 6th and 7th, 2012

Alex Peake

About Alex
I am a Data Architect at Intuit. I have been extracting value from data for twenty years. I have worked at startups (some my own) and at large companies like PayPal and now Intuit. I worked on the PayPal payment transactional front end as well as large data warehouses on both traditional relational databases as well as newer technologies like Hadoop and NoSQL and NewSQL stores. I have a love for analytics and machine learning.
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Speaking Sessions

  • Modeling in the NoSQL World

    3:30 PM Saturday   Room: SmithWick
    Techniques for modeling Relational Data are well known. But how do you model on the non-relational, or NoSQL, world? This talk introduces you to the patterns and methodologies to successfully model for databases like Cassandra and MongoDB.