About Jon
Jon has been programming in C++ for two and a half decades.
During the last twenty-five years he has written C++ for Amazon, Apple, Dow Chemical, Intuit, Lotus, Microsoft, Netscape, Sun, Yahoo! and a number of companies that you've not heard of.
Jon's current interest is developing his onsite training business. He has extensive experience with formal training and presentations on C++. Jon is an Approved Outside Training Vendor for Scott Meyers' training materials. For information on course content, dates, and rates, please contact "jon" at cpp.training.
Jon has done formal training or presentations on C++ at ACCU-Silicon Valley, Altara, Apple, Amazon, Bloomberg, BMW, C++Now, CppCon, HTRI, Microsoft, New York C++ Developers' Group, Portland C++ Users Group, San Francisco C++ User Group, Silicon Valley Code Camp, and Societe Generale.
He taught C++ at the Golden Gate University graduate school for five semesters.
Jon's talk on Exception-Safe Coding won Best Tutorial at C++Now.
Jon has been given the Microsoft MVP award for Visual C++ for 2014 and 2015.
Jon is chair of CppCon, C++Now and the C++ Track for Silicon Valley Code Camp.
He serves on the Advisory Board for Undo Software and chairs the Boost Steering Committee.