1:15 PM Sunday Room: 4306
Scrum and XP have found a strong following in the development community. But most non-development groups (such as Web Administrators, Production Support, Security, Testing, and Users/Stake Holders) inside the enterprise are not only far from agile, that are not trying to move to be more agile. I start with a refresher on Scrum, and then use real experiences from large enterprise development projects to teach you how to effectively work with non-agile teams. Instead of trying to "convert" them, I discuss strategies to adapt to their needs while remaining agile in the development realm. 2:45 PM Sunday Room: 4306
Now you are writing WPF applications, and wondering – what is all this code in the code behind? Shouldn’t we be doing something different? Our cousins working with ASP.NET MVC don’t even have a code behind! The answer is YES – you should indeed be doing it differently. Which of the (seemingly) thousands of MVVM projects should I use? The M-V-VM pattern is the WPF adaptation of the Presentation Model pattern (first documented by Martin Fowler). I will show how the M-V-VM pattern is utilized in WPF for building SOLID WPF applications that are testable, reusable, and maintainable.