Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 11th and 12th 2014

Joonas Lehtinen

About Joonas
Dr. Joonas Lehtinen is the founder of Vaadin project, a Java-based framework for building awesome web UI easily in Java. He is the founder and CEO of the company behind the Vaadin framework and leads a team of 80 engineers who are mostly working in European timezones. While not in a hangout to 10 time zones away from Vaadin's Silicon Valley offices, Joonas keeps failing in getting rid of his Finnish accent.
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Speaking Sessions

  • Web UI in Java with Vaadin

    10:45 AM Sunday   Room: Hearthside Lounge
    Vaadin is a popular web framework that allows you to write web based user interface in Java 8 or any other JVM based language directly. Writing an application that lazily loads large amounts of data from the server, includes drag-and-drop and compelling visualizations does not require one to write any HTML or JavaScript. The framework is based on a server centric development model that provides the best productivity, but it also supports client-side development with the built-in GWT Java to JavaScript compiler. It also allows you to go through the abstractions and write JavaScript directly. The looks of the application is customized with SASS language using powerful Valo theme. The end result can be run in any HTML5 capable browser and deployed to any Java based server or cloud. The presentation gives an overview to Vaadin and explains how it works. We'll show how to use the parameterized Valo themes and powerful new Grid component. The session should give you everything you need to get started building your own apps with the free Apache-licensed Vaadin.