Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 1 & 2, 2016

Andrew Moll

About Andrew
Andrew is a technical evangelist for Microsoft working on development and data storage within Azure. In a past life, he was a consultant helping customers figure out how to visualize and discover meaningful conclusions from their disparate data sets. Outside of technology, his favorite discussion topics include: picking the next million dollar stock, the current snow conditions in Tahoe (yes, even in the summer), and finding the best coffee/food in the bay!
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Speaking Sessions

  • So you want to be a data scientist?

    You've seen the memo and heard the whispers... Data Scientists are the new kid on the block! Want to learn how you can get started? Come find out what it takes to solve analytical problems, frameworks you can apply to help, and the tools which turn an ordinary developer into a supercharged data geek. We'll start with the statistics and end with a few demos!