Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 1 & 2, 2016

Jeancarl Bisson

About Jeancarl
JeanCarl Bisson is an IBM Developer Advocate based in the San Francisco Bay Area. With over two decades of development experience on the web, he enjoys coding in the cloud and building rapid prototypes powered by IBM Watson. He has participated in more than a hundred hackathons and can often be found tinkering with APIs and IoT, making connections that inspire others to use in their own projects. JeanCarl is also very active in meetups, workshops, and local developer communities.
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Speaking Sessions

  • Connecting Your Things to the Cloud with Watson IoT Platform

    You have your devices, you have your Cloud application, and you even have your client, but to get it all connected you need a protocol that can handle getting all of the pieces to talk. This workshop takes you through the Internet of Things platform and connecting devices through a central hub for managing events in a multitude of programming languages. You will be introduced to Watson Internet of Things concepts and the MQTT publish and subscribe methodology. By the end of the lab you will have a connection flow between your device and your Cloud application.