Silicon Valley Code Camp : Nov 8th and 9th, 2008session

Test Driven Development: an intro for C# developers

About This Session

If you want to write “clean code that works – now”, you should look into test-driven development. In a nutshell, the idea of TDD is to first write automated tests, and only then the code that should pass the test. It is a simple and methodical way to write good code, fully tested from the get-go; beyond that, it also promotes better design, and helps keep your sanity during projects.<br/> My goal in this session is to get you started with TDD, so that you are ready to use it the moment you leave the room. I will demonstrate how TDD works on a small example, using both open-source tools like NUnit, and the testing tools Microsoft has added to Visual Studio 2008.<br/> This session is aimed for beginners. The examples and tools will be in C#, but should be straightforward for Java developers as well.

Time: Not Available x    Room: Not Assigned 

The Speaker(s)

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Mathias Brandewinder

I write code, Clear Lines Consulting

Figuring out things, one model at a time. F# globe-trotter.