About This Session
Dynamic languages such as JRuby and Groovy are increasingly playing an important role in the web these days. The associated frameworks such as Rails and Grails are gaining importance because of the agility provided by them.
The GlassFish project provides an easy-to-use and robust development and deployment platform for hosting these web applications. It also enables the various languages to leverage the investment in your existing Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE platform) infrastructure. This session gives an overview of various Dynamic Languages and associated Web frameworks that can be used on the GlassFish project.
It starts with a brief introduction to JRuby and details on how the GlassFish project provides a robust development and deployment platform for Rails, Merb, Sinatra and other similar applications without pain. As a basis for further discussion, this presentation shows the complete lifycycle for JRuby-on-Rails applications on GlassFish v2 and v3. It discusses the various development options provided by GlassFish v3, demonstrates how popular Rails applications can be easily deployed on GlassFish without any modification, and shows how v3 Gem can be used as an effective alternative to WEBrick and Mongrel. It also demonstrates debugging of Rails applications using NetBeans IDE. For enterprise users, it shows how JMX and other mechanisms can be used to monitor Rails applications.
It also talks in detail about the Groovy/Grails and Python/Django development and deployment models in context of GlassFish v3. By following the simple deployment steps the presentation shows, developers will be able to deploy their existing web applications on the GlassFish project.The session also describes the known limitations and workarounds for each of them.
The talk will show a working sample created in different frameworks and deployed on GlassFish v3. The demo will show how different features of the underlying GlassFish runtime are easily accessible to the frameworks running on top of it.
Time: 1:15 PM Saturday Room: 4204
The Speaker(s)
Vice President, Developer Advocacy, Couchbase
Arun Gupta is a Principal Open Source Technologist at Amazon Web Services.