About This Session
If you've dabbled in HTML5 and you're ready for more, then this year's "Working With HTML5" sessions might help you reach the next level of knowledge. We'll explore HTML5 through demos on mobile devices and desktops, and also look at code samples, with excerpts from two HTML5 books (2012 and 2013) and links to some of my open source projects.
Session #1 starts with a demo of pure CSS3 3D animation effects on multiple devices (an iPad3, an Asus Prime Android ICS tablet, a Sprint S 4G phone with Android ICS, and a Macbook). We'll discuss the key code concepts, and then you'll see examples of CSS3 and jQuery that create unusual animation effects.
You'll see demos of CSS Custom Filters (aka CSS Shaders prior to 09/24/2012), which create effects that were previously only possible in WebGL, and at least three related open source projects (CSS3, jQuery/CSS3, and CSS custom filters) provide additional code samples.
Finally, we'll look at some demos of CSS Exclusions and CSS Flow Regions (time permitting), which are two recent features of CSS3. A basic understanding of HTML and CSS, and some jQuery can also be useful for this session, which wraps up with a raffle of an HTML5 book. Please note that this session is similar to my presentation during OWC (07/2012) at PayPal.
Supplemental bonus: spherical coordinates and cylindrical coordinates both explained in under two minutes (don't be afraid).
Recent book: http://www.amazon.com/HTML5-Canvas-CSS3-Graphics-Primer/dp/1936420341
upcoming book: http://www.merclearning.com/titles/jQuery_CSS3_HTML5_Mobile.html
Time: 11:15 AM Saturday Room: 1501
The Speaker(s)
Developer, iQuarkt
Oswald loves mobile/web development, obsessed with Japanese, and a bon vivant in Silicon Valley.