2:45 PM Sunday
Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 6th and 7th, 2012session

Learn to Love Lambdas

About This Session

Lambda expressions can be confusing the first time you walk up to them. But once you get to know them, you’ll see that they are a great addition to your toolbox. Used properly, they can add elegance and simplicity to your code. And some .NET constructs (such as LINQ) lend themselves to lambda expressions. We’ll take a look at how lambda expressions work and see them in action. No specific experience is required (but some .NET is helpful). Slides, Demo Code, and Walkthrough available here: http://www.jeremybytes.com/Demos.aspx

Time: 2:45 PM Sunday    Room: 3525 

The Speaker(s)

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Jeremy Clark

Developer Betterer, JeremyBytes.com

Jeremy Clark makes developers better
