9:15 AM Sunday
Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 11th and 12th 2014session

AngularJS app testing for real

AngularJS app testing made (kind of) easy. Ward demonstrates testing techniques to overcome certain well-known hurdles and explains how ngMocks work.

About This Session

Let Ward show you how he writes automated tests for Angular apps. He’ll opine on what to test … so you build confidence that the application works without driving yourself nuts. He’ll demonstrate testing techniques to overcome certain well-known hurdles (including async) and explains how ngMocks work. We’ll be going beyond the basics. This isn’t an introduction to testing or Jasmine or Angular or JavaScript. But you should be fine if you’re ready for adventure and willing to ask questions.

Time: 9:15 AM Sunday    Room: 1501 

The Speaker(s)

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Ward Bell

Opinionator, IdeaBlade

Ward is president of IdeaBlade consultants & makers of BreezeJS. GDE, MS MVP, Angular expert