10:45 AM Sunday
Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 11th and 12th 2014session

Introductory Minecraft Modding with Forge - Part II

In this session, you will learn the basics of making Minecraft mods using Forge. We will setup a basic development environment and create a few plugins.

About This Session

In this session, you will learn the basics of making Minecraft mods using Forge. Server mods let you change the way the Minecraft server works. You can make bigger TNT explosions, change the sound of entities, make zombies drop diamonds, create new crafting and smelting recipe and much more. This session will cover the basics of setting setting up Forge environment and an introduction to creating mods. We will create a few plugins. Make sure to bring your laptop. The list of software will be provided a few days before the event.

Time: 10:45 AM Sunday    Room: PSEC4501 

The Speaker(s)

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Aditya Gupta

Student, Devoxx4Kids

Aditya Gupta is an twelve-year old boy who loves to play and modify Minecraft. He also has experience in many other types of programming like Scratch, Java, Greenfoot, and Android. He is the youngest speaker ever at the Community Keynote of JavaOne 2013 showing how pigs fly in using Eclipse in front of 1500+ Java developers. He builds and delivers workshops for Devoxx4Kids and excited to teach programming skills to young kids like him. He is also a Boy Scout and like to tinker with LEGOs.

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Arun Gupta

Vice President, Developer Advocacy, Couchbase

Arun Gupta is a Principal Open Source Technologist at Amazon Web Services.