10:45 AM Sunday
Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 11th and 12th 2014session

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Product Manager!

In this talk, we'll explore a number of real-life situations that show the good, the bad, and the ugly of how Engineers deliver with and without Product Managers. (Hint: PMs aren't always right.)

About This Session

But, then again, maybe we do. In this age of Lean Startup and the philosophy that, in a startup the CEO is the Product Manager, most detailed product decisions end up being made by developers. But, are these the right people to be making those choices. As is often the case in tech and in life, the answer is a resounding "It Depends!" In this talk, we'll explore a number of real-life situations that show the good, the bad, and the ugly of working with and without Product Managers.

Time: 10:45 AM Sunday    Room: 4220 

The Speaker(s)

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Ken Kruszka

EVP Product & Service Delivery, Boom Financial

As EVP of Product and Service Delivery, Ken drives Boom's strategic product vision and roadmap, as well as their realization through the creation of industry-leading mobile financial products and services. In his role, Ken leads the product management, product development, service delivery, and information technology organizations.