1:00 PM Sunday
Fireside D
Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 7 & 8, 2017session

Android Architecture & Material components with Kotlin.

This talk will cover Android Architectural Components (Room, Lifecycle-aware components, ViewModels and LiveData). After building a clear understanding of the components we will explain how they work together to form a robust reference architecture.

About This Session

It has always been said that Android is not a complete platform. The app developer must include several popular libraries as a base just to start to build a simple app. Now Google has expressed the same sediment. The four App components of Android (Activities, Services, Broadcast receivers and Content providers) are not the building blocks of an Android app but a contract between the OS and Application. App developers need to rebuild the basic building blocks whenever starting a new App. This causes many problems for developers and leads to ambiguity about how to best build a robust App.

Google is looking to remedy this problem by releasing the Android Architectural Components (Room, Lifecycle-aware components, ViewModels and LiveData). While they individually address developer pain points (Persist Data, Manage Lifecycles, Modular & remove errors) they also work together to implement a sane app architecture. In this talk we will detail each components functions and benefits

Once we have a clear understanding of the Architectural Components we will explain how they work together to form a robust reference architecture. Common architectural principles: The most important thing you should focus on is the separation of concerns in your app.

The second important principle is that you should drive your UI from a model, preferably a persistent model.

We end the talk by reviewing how these new components replace and interact with current popular Android libraries.

Time: 1:00 PM Sunday    Room: Fireside D 

The Speaker(s)

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Siamak Ashrafi

CTO, Zoewave

Ash - CTO @ ZoeWave building physiologically intelligent combining biotech, mobile and fashion.