3:00 PM Saturday
Chin Wagger
Silicon Valley Code Camp : October 7 & 8, 2017session

Light up your app with the Composition API

Managed developers now have direct access to the native graphics subsystem in Windows. enabling complex designs to be realized without compromising performance. But how? Leave this session with the confidence to build incredible apps.

About This Session

For the first time, managed developers have direct access to the native graphics subsystem in Windows. With this, complex designs can be realized without compromising performance. But how do you do it and how difficult is the API. Leave this session with the confidence to build incredible apps.

Time: 3:00 PM Saturday    Room: Chin Wagger 

The Speaker(s)

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Daren May

Founder and President, CustomMayd

Daren May is a Windows Development MVP and the President and founder of CustomMayd