Join a candid and exciting panel discussion of FAANG hiring managers on hiring practices and what they are looking for in a candidate. Come with your best questions, and receive direct answers from horse's mouth!
Do communication skills matter for an engineer? Why do they ask such hard technical questions? What happens in a hiring committee? What can you do to increase your chances of clearing the interviews and working with some of the most driven teams on the planet? What if one of the 5 interviews is bad - do I still get an offer? How many times can I try? Can I write on a computer instead of a whiteboard? What about management interviews? Does Github profile help? What about referrals?
The panel will be arranged and moderated by Soham and Ryan, founders of Interview Kickstart.
Already an Engineering Manager (Sr Manager, Dir, VP) and wanting to get into a better company?
Or are you a senior engineer wanting to jump ship to management?
Or are you early in your career and wondering if Management is for you?
This session will provide a lot of insights into how to switch into and stay in Management, across companies.
What does the interview process look like?
Do you still have to code?
What about Systems Design?
What is the evaluation like?
Do you need to prepare for leadership questions? Are they even possible to prepare for?
What do top companies look for, that others don't?